Monday, September 24, 2012

iOS 6 - Type Faster with Shortcuts

When typing on the iPhone or iPad, it can be quite frustrating at times to type out long sentences or maybe you type certain phrases over and over again and get tired of retyping them. Below I explain how to create your own shortcuts for making those sentences/phrases in only a few simple keystrokes.   For instance, maybe in a text to your friends, you say, "What's up?" a lot.  Wouldn't it be so much easier if 'wu' created that same phrase in less time?  By default, 'omw' will give you "On my way".  Try it out now.  As you type the last letter 'w', you'll see the auto correct shows you what it will input should you continue on typing without hitting the little X.

If you would like to create more, follow these simple steps:

- Select GENERAL
- Scroll down to KEYBOARD
- At the bottom, you'll see SHORTCUTS

Here is where you can create what ever shortcut you wish.  I would advise using something easy to remember like if you type "What's for dinner?" a lot, create a shortcut using the keystroke wfd.  You can use any keystroke combination you wish to create the phrases  You can use ? and D if you wanted to, it's your choice.

Ones that I added for example are ilu for I love you, cpmu for Come pick me up and cm for Call me.  These can be used in any app you type in (like email and notes), not just text.

Play around and create shortcuts that make typing easier for you.


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