Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Google Chrome Extensions

I recently started using some of the Google Chrome Extensions and wanted to share with you MY top picks.

You can find all the extensions HERE.  (Also by clicking on the wrench in the top right corner of your Google Chrome browser, then select Tools --> Extensions then click on Get more extension in the bottom right corner.

Wot - I have a post all about this HERE. Extension found HERE.

Facebook - Extension found HERE.

Google Mail Checker - Extension found HERE.

The Weather Channel - Extension found HERE
There are a few different weather providers to choose from but I like the Weather Channel the best so I chose it.

Google Maps - Extension found HERE.

Mashable - Extension found HERE.  
This is a social media news site.  Great material if you are interested in this kind of stuff.

Cooliris - Extension found HERE.

AddThis - Extension found HERE.  
This to me is one of THE best extensions there is.  This is a link to almost every single social network out there you can think of to be able to share and post things to from what ever and where ever you are on the web.  For example - I have mine set to show Amazon, Blogger, Evernote, Facebook, Gmail, Google, Google Reader, Print and Twitter.   There are so many, many more to choose and cutomize to meet your needs - this way you do not need to have each and every extension - you really only need this ONE for them all.

Amplify - Extension found HERE.

Awesome Screenshot - Extension found HERE.  
This one is fun if you take a lot of screenshots because it gives you a few ways to capture and annotate a web pageCapture the whole page or any portion, annotate it with rectangles, circles, arrows, lines and text, blur sensitive info, one-click upload to share. Support PNG and shortcuts.

So check out all the different extensions there are offered through Google Chrome Web Store and customize your browser to fit your lifestyle.

TIP:  One thing that helps me pick which one I choose to use is based on how many other people are using and have installed the extension.



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